For years, we have successfully secured funding in the Governor budget for CalFood. This $8M allocation of funds is provided to food banks annually to purchase California produced food. We continue to advocate to increase the baseline funding from $8M to $60M.
现在,我们已经两次获得粮食银行的资金,用于一次性购买以增强其运营能力。 $25M允许食品银行购买更多或更新的卡车,冷藏库,叉车等。
We are grateful for the State Emergency Food Bank Reserve that was codified in State law in the 2024-25 State Budget.
Disaster CalFresh(D-CalFresh),联邦政府称为“灾难补充营养援助计划”(D-SNAP),是一种满足自然灾害后灾难受害者临时营养需求的方法。
You can view a full list of 2024 Child Nutrition federal priorities 这里。
Pandemic EBT (or P-EBT) was a temporary federal program that gave families food benefits per eligible child on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card due to meals lost at childcare or school due to the COVID-19 pandemic. P-EBT provided California families with 10 billion dollars in food benefits. P-EBT 1.0 was issued for the 2019-2020 school year. You can read CAFB’s P-EBT in California: Lessons and Opportunities Report to learn more about the impact of the first round of P-EBT. Due to the expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, P-EBT 4.0 was the last round of P-EBT issued for the 2022-2023 school year and summer 2023. You can learn more about the last round of P-EBT 4.0 这里。
You can see CDSS’ outcomes reports for more details on the impact of P-EBT 1.0-4.0:
In 2023, California became the first state in the country to opt-in to Summer EBT, a new federal program authorized in the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 2617) that advocates from California had long fought for alongside Rep. Levin. This will allow families to shop at their local grocery store and put food on the table while school’s out. Thanks to swift planning by the California Department of Social Services and the California Department of Education, beginning in summer 2024, about 5.3 million eligible children received $40 per month ($120 total) in Summer EBT benefits. We are excited that California will continue to offer SUN Bucks in 2025.
Visit our SUN Bucks page to learn more about this food benefit program.
CalFresh 是一项联邦营养计划,允许人们使用电子福利转移 (EBT) 卡在当地的杂货店购买食物。在全国范围内,它被称为补充营养援助计划 (SNAP)。我们继续倡导加强该计划的联邦和州政策。
The CalSAWS system, and the means by which operations and information have migrated and are currently implemented in that system, have foundational impacts on the way consumers and eligibility workers access and experience services. CAFB leads a CalSAWS Advocates Group to support the success of CalSAWS and its impact on Community Based Organizations and customers.
环境立法 SB 1383 设定了具有里程碑意义的全州食用食品回收要求。具体而言,该法律要求加利福尼亚州回收不少于20%的可食用食品,否则将在2025年前帮助人们食用。这是全州的目标,但是地方辖区(您所在的城市或县,取决于他们的做法)将得以实施计划实现目标。
新规定将于2022年1月1日生效。 完整的实施时间表在这里。
我们开发了一个 Q&A document for food banksCalRecycle 开发了 模型工具 食物银行和当地司法管辖区可以使用的。
2011年,CAFB率先通过了 AB 152(丰特斯)成立了“农场到家庭税收抵免”计划,以激励加利福尼亚州的水果和蔬菜种植者向食品银行捐赠剩余产品。
2016年,州预算流程中采用了语言,从而对税收抵免进行了多项改进。 1)抵免额从食品的存货成本转换为批发价,2)抵免额从10%增至15%,3)税收抵免的有效期延长了五年,至2022年。
在2019年 AB 614(埃格曼) 通过该法案,将合格的加利福尼亚州食品的类型从水果和蔬菜扩展到了其他产品,例如谷物,奶制品和蛋白质。
Supplemental Security Income, or ‘SSI,’ is a federally funded program that provides a modest monthly benefit to low-income people who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled. In California, the SSI payment is augmented by a State Supplementary Payment, or ‘SSP,’ which brings the maximum monthly benefit for an individual living alone to $1,206, an amount at only 92.5% of the Federal Poverty Line, which forces many low-income seniors and people with disabilities to live in poverty.
自2019年6月1日起,SSI / SSP接收者有资格申请CalFresh, as is the case in every other state in the country. This presents a tremendous opportunity to increase food security for this population, and it will continue to require a coordinated effort between the state, counties, and advocates alike to raise enrollment rates in CalFresh among SSI recipients.
我们积极参与 加利福尼亚人参加SSI联盟.
我们积极参与 CalEITC coalition.
Since day one, we worked to ensure that food banks were supported at the state and federal levels — including successfully partnering with the California Department of Social Services to establish an Emergency Food Box Program.
Right away, we knew food banks needed workforce support to be able to get food out the door. We immediately requested that Governor Newsom deploy the National Guard to help support hunger relief efforts.
Immediately, we worked to ensure that food banks were classified as “essential” under State’s guidance and regulations.