We do not offer food. Here’s where you can 找尋食物。
No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.

SUN Bucks


SUN Bucks 是⼀個新的⻝物計劃,將為符合條件家庭的每個兒童提供 $120⽤於在夏季期間購買雜貨。獲得SUN Bucks的兒童仍然可以領取其 它⻝物計劃如CalFresh糧⻝券和在夏季餐地點⽤餐 Summer Meal SitesSUN Bucks不會影響移⺠⾝份狀態。

如果您的家庭收⼊低於以下⾦額, 您的孩⼦有可能符合資格: 家庭收⼊ is under…
(For 2023-24 school year)
$37,814 for a family of 2
$47,767 for a family of 3
$57,720 for a family of 4
$67,673 for a family of 5

This page was last updated on: June 28, 2024



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