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SUN Bucks


SUN Bucks is a new food program that will give families $120 per eligible child to buy groceries. Children who get SUN Bucks can still receive other food programs like CalFresh. SUN Bucks will not affect immigration status.

All SUN Bucks cards for 2024 have been delivered. Now is the best time to make sure your child gets SUN Bucks in 2025!

如果您的家庭收⼊低於以下⾦額, 您的孩⼦有可能符合資格: 家庭收⼊ is under…
(For 2024-25 school year)
$39,127.50 for a family of 2
$49,302.50 for a family of 3
$59,477.50 for a family of 4
$69,652.50 for a family of 5

This page was last updated on: March 11, 2025



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