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12 月 20, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

丹妮拉·奥格登(Daniela Ogden), daniela@cafoodbanks.org
(510) 350-9919

奥克兰Anti-hunger advocates warn that today’s passing of the GOP tax plan foreshadows sweeping cuts to critical nutrition safety-net programs. The widely unpopular plan is tilted to the wealthy and slashes trillions of dollars over ten years from programs that serve people with low and moderate incomes, including cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, income assistance for working-poor and other struggling families, nutrition assistance programs like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps), college affordability, job training and education, environmental protections, and public health initiatives.

The vote occurs as millions of working families across the country are spending the holiday season worried about making ends meet. The plan offers little promise of improvement in the quality of life for the majority of Californians with the bulk of tax cuts going to the wealthiest one percent.

“The fight to end hunger in California doesn’t end with Congress passing this misguided tax plan,” said Sue Sigler, Executive Director of California Association of Food Banks. “In fact, we are more determined than ever to speak out for the low and middle-income families that rely on food banks and safety-net programs like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.”


“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program remains one of America’s most successful ways to keep people from going without food and we remain committed to speaking out on behalf of the millions of working people that rely on it,” said Sigler.







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