自2019年6月1日起,SSI / SSP接收者有资格申请CalFresh, 就像该国其他每个州一样。这为提高该人群的粮食安全提供了巨大的机会,并且需要州,县和倡导者之间的协调努力。
Supplemental Security Income, or ‘SSI,’ is a federally funded program that provides a modest monthly benefit to low-income people who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled. In California, the SSI payment is augmented by a State Supplementary Payment, or ‘SSP,’ which brings the maximum monthly benefit for an individual living alone to $1183, an amount that forces many low-income seniors and people with disabilities to live in poverty.
CAFB和食品银行一直是SSI(CA4SSI)联盟的加利福尼亚人的核心,该联盟在 2018-19年度国家预算,结束了自1974年以来对CalFresh的排除。据估计,这使约500,000 SSI接受者有资格获得CalFresh,这很容易成为我们在加利福尼亚消除饥饿的使命中的最大举措之一。
如果您对这些资源或信息有任何疑问,请联系Becky Gershon(becky@cafoodbanks.org)。