For CAFB’s full 2025 Policy Agenda and state budget priorities, go to our Policy Page.
Anti-Hunger Bills (2025):
AB 79 (Arambula) – Public Benefits & Higher Education County Liaisons
This bill establishes a statewide knowledge sharing network of basic needs coordinators on college campuses and county liaisons of higher education to improve awareness of public benefit programs like CalFresh and CalWORKs among college students.
赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, Center for Healthy Communities, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, UAspire
位置: 支持
状态: Referred to the Assembly Human Services and Higher Education Committee
AB 636 (Ortega) – Expand Diaper Access Under Medi-Cal
This bill would ensure children 3 and older enrolled in Medi-Cal who have a prescription for diapers can receive them at no cost through a federal program within Medicaid, the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit.
赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, National Diaper Bank Network
This bill would protect students and families, maintaining schools as spaces where everyone has the right to an education. Specifically, the bill aims to keep U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents off California campuses by establishing a one-mile radius safe zone around schools, as well as safeguarding against the use of school data for deportation efforts.
赞助商: State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond
位置: 支持
状态: Referred to the Senate Education and Public Safety Committee