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For CAFB’s full 2025 Policy Agenda and state budget priorities, go to our Policy Page.

Bills highlighted in orange are sponsored by CAFB.

CalFresh Bills (2025):

AB 777 (C. Rodriguez) – CalFresh and Disasters

Spot bill to improve California’s ability to provide Disaster CalFresh and other disaster-related CalFresh provisions during natural disasters.

赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy (hearing 4/23)

帐单文字 | Factsheet (coming soon!) | Template LOS for Asm. Utilities and Energy (due 4/16)

AB 1211 (Sharp-Collins) – CalFresh Benefit Maintenance

This bill would ensure that CalFresh benefits do not decrease if the federal government makes reductions to the federal SNAP program.

赞助商: GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization (CCWRO), SEIU California

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍

AB 1049 (Rodriguez) – California Food Assistance Program – Sponsor Deeming

This bill would remove sponsor deeming from the California Food Assistance Program as part of the Food4All campaign.

赞助商: 滋养加州,加州移民政策中心

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍

School/Summer Meals Bills (2025):

SB 225 (McNerney) – Caregiver Meals

This bill would ensure parents and caregivers can have a meal with their child when they visit a summer meal site by requiring the State Department of Education to reimburse summer meal program operators for caregiver meals.

赞助商: 加州食品银行协会

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Committee on Education (hearing 4/2)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Education Committee (due 3/28 at noon)

SB 411 (Perez) – Stop Child Hunger Act

This bill would fight child hunger by creating a single statewide SUN Bucks application website and establishing the BOOST Nutrition benefit to provide food support during school breaks and emergencies.

赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, SEIU California

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Committee on Education (hearing 4/2) and Human Services (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Education/Human Services Committees (due 3/28 at noon)

SB 48 (Gonzalez) – Safe Access to Schools

This bill aims to keep U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents off California campuses by establishing a one-mile radius safe zone around schools, as well as safeguarding against the use of school data for deportation efforts.

赞助商: State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Education (hearing 4/2) and Public Safety Committee (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Committee on Public Safety (due 3/11)

Public Benefits Bills (2025):

AB 79 (Arambula) – Public Benefits & Higher Education County Liaisons

This bill establishes a statewide knowledge sharing network of basic needs coordinators on college campuses and county liaisons of higher education to improve awareness of public benefit programs like CalFresh and CalWORKs among college students.

赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, Center for Healthy Communities, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, UAspire, The Michelson Center for Public Policy

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Higher Education Committee (hearing 4/22)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Organizational LOS Template (due 4/16) | Individual Email Template (due 4/16)

AB 1161 (Harabedian) – Public Benefits during Disasters

This bill would require CDSS and DHCS to provide continuous eligibility for public benefit programs like CalFresh to a recipient who has been displaced by or impacted by a state of emergency or a health emergency.

赞助商: 西方法律与贫困中心

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD) and Health (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | Factsheet (coming soon!)

AB 42 (Bryan) – Protect Scholarship Income

This bill ensures that grants, awards, scholarships, loans, or fellowship benefits for education are exempt from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility and calculating grant amounts for CalWORKs and CalFresh benefits.

赞助商: Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, UAspire, Western Center on Law and Poverty

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Committee on Human Services (hearing 3/25)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Committee on Human Services (due 3/18)

SB 560 (Smallwood- Cuevas) – Decriminalize Benefit Overpayments

This bill would authorize counties to process public benefits overpayments like CalFresh through their administrative penalty system. By updating the law so overpayment cases can be handled administratively, county workers will be empowered to ensure reporting paperwork is corrected and overpayments are repaid, without traumatizing and destabilizing vulnerable families. 

赞助商: Western Center on Law and Poverty, SEIU California

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD) and Public Safety (hearing 4/18)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍

Anti-Hunger Bills (2025):

AB 337 (Berman) – Edible Food Recovery Grants

This bill would expand the current list for which CalRecycle can award grants through their edible food recovery program.

赞助商: N/A

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources (hearing 3/24)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍

SB 353 (Alvarado-Gil) – Food Donation Tax Credit

This bill would extend indefinitely the Food Donation Tax Credit, which is currently set to expire in 2027.

赞助商: N/A

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to the Senate Committee on Revenues and Tax (hearing 5/14)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Committee on Revenues and Tax (due 5/2)

Anti-Poverty Bills (2025):

AB 636 (Ortega) – Expand Diaper Access Under Medi-Cal

This bill would expand access to prescription diapers for Medi-Cal recipients by dropping the qualifying age for “incontinence” from five to three.

赞助商: California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, National Diaper Bank Network

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to Assembly Committee on Health (hearing TBD)

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Organizational LOS Template (due 3/28) | Individual Email Template (due 3/28)

AB 397 (Gonzalez) – Young Child Tax Credit

This bill would expand who is eligible for the Young Child Tax Credit to all CAL-EITC eligible households.

赞助商: Prosper California Coalition

位置: 支持

状态: On Suspense File

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Committee on Rev & Taxes (due 4/21)

AB 398 (Ahrens) – Earned Income Tax Credit

This bill would ensure any household eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit gets at minimum $300.

赞助商: Prosper California Coalition

位置: 支持

状态: On Suspense File

帐单文字 | 概况介绍 | Template LOS for Committee on Rev & Taxes (due 4/21)

AB 661 (Lee) – Guaranteed Income Research and Expansion Act

This bill proposes a comprehensive study on the needed infrastructure, funding mechanisms, program design, and population prioritization for a permanent, statewide guaranteed income program to alleviate poverty and promote economic empowerment.

赞助商: Western Center on Law and Poverty, GRACE & End Child Poverty CA, National Council of Jewish Women/Los Angeles

位置: 支持

状态: Referred to Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing 3/25)

帐单文字 | Factsheet (coming soon!) | Template LOS for Committee on Human Services (due 3/18)

*This page was last updated on March 21, 2025



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