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  1. 食品银行的定义是501(c)3非营利组织,该组织征集,存储并向其定义的服务区域分配足够的食物。 
  1. Food banks may have some programs that distribute food directly to individuals and families, especially during emergencies like COVID-19. However, the primary function of a food bank is to partner with other agencies such as churches, senior centers, and schools to ensure an adequate flow of food throughout the communities they serve.

  2. A food bank develops a network of these pantries and soup kitchens to increase access to food by meeting people in the communities and places they already are, making it easier for people to get the groceries they need. 
  1. Food banking is a complex logistical effort that requires efficiencies at every point along the way – from obtaining or procuring food to implementing safe handling and storage practices to selecting local charities to help distribute the food.

  2. 粮食银行从各种国家和地方来源获得粮食。包含:
  3. 粮食银行始于1960年代后期的美国和1970年代初期的加利福尼亚。此后,在美国各地建立了数百家食品银行,其中40多家在加州。
  1. Food banks are a critical part of the food cycle. Each food bank helps avert millions of pounds of good food that would otherwise be wasted. Many food banks also work with pig farmers and the like to ensure the food that cannot be eaten by people goes to good use.
  1. 加利福尼亚州的食品银行服务于不同的地理区域,从与本地非营利合作伙伴合作为偏远偏远社区提供服务的农村食品银行到拥有数百个为许多社区服务的非营利合作伙伴的大型城市食品银行。
  1. 自2000年代初以来,许多食品银行已从提供主要罐头食品发展到现在提供大量新鲜农产品和蛋白质。
  1. 许多食品银行继续发展其业务,寻找方法使客户可以根据农民的市场风格选择食品,并确保其食品在文化上适合所服务的人群。



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