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Farm to Family: Our Partners

从农场到家庭 connects farmers with food banks to provide over 40 varieties of free, fresh produce to Californians in need. Each of our Farm to Family partners is making a significant difference in alleviating hunger and promoting nutrition in California. CAFB recruits farmers and arranges to ship their surplus produce directly from the fields to over 40 member food banks across the state. These food banks distribute the produce through a network of 5,000 schools, churches, senior centers, soup kitchens and other community venues.

Since it began in 2005, Farm to Family has partnered with over 100 growers and packers. From 10 million pounds of produce that first year to 164 million pounds in 2016, the generosity of California’s agricultural community continues to grow. You can find a list of our 2016 donors below.

If you are a grower or packer interested in feeding your community and positively impacting your bottom line, please contact Steve Linkhart, Director of Farm to Family, at (510) 350-9916 or stevelinkhart@cafoodbanks.org to learn more about the program.


Our Generous Farm to Family Donors:  
安倍·艾尔·普鲁特 太平洋农产品
获取有机物 派拉蒙柑橘
AV托马斯农产品 佩里和儿子农场
海滨农产品 Podesta包装
蜜蜂甜柑橘 波特维尔柑橘
摊位牧场 威望农产品
博斯科维奇农场 Prima Frutta
B&P包装公司 黄金时间
卡博特包装 优质包装 
加州马铃薯销售 河佣贸易公司
海峡群岛物流 RRS农场
迪亚多夫家庭农场 圣华金番茄种植者
DFI营销 圣巴巴拉农场
王朝农场 红杉橙公司
史诗蔬菜 红杉农产品销售
埃克塞特-艾芬豪柑桔协会 俄勒冈南部精选
法明顿新鲜 南国冷却
福勒包装公司 斯塔德曼水果
弗雷斯卡农产品国际公司 汽船果园
格林与赫姆利 Stemilt
格林威农场 太阳太平洋
哈里斯·弗里斯 SunWest水果公司
HMC农场 道明产品销售
Kirschenman企业 玩家们
拉哥里奥兄弟 V&V包装和生产
拉古纳农产品销售 范格罗宁根父子
湖畔有机花园 威尼达包装公司
莫拉达农产品 Vessey和公司
海洋雾农场 西葱
洋葱等 西方蔬菜产品
罗杰·奥斯瓦尔特(Roger Oswalt Produce) Zirkle水果公司
太平洋海岸农产品 祖克曼家庭农场


Pictured in the banner: Brian Peixoto, Sales Manager at Lakeside Organic Gardens, poses with his daughter.



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