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Join us for CAFB Conference 2015!



 Overview  / Schedule / Speakers / Workshops / Sacramento Attractions / Sponsors / Legislative Day 



Every two years, the California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) and its members come together to share best practices and new thinking to end hunger and improve nutrition for Californians in need.

CAFB’s 2015 Conference will begin at noon with a luncheon and opening plenary on Monday, May 4th and close at 5:00p.m. on Tuesday. For more schedule information, 点击这里.

Dates: May 4 & 5, 2015

Location: Sacramento Convention Center (map)

Hosted by: 加州食品银行协会

Who can attend: Any organization or groups interested in addressing California’s critical hunger and nutrition issues.

What to expect: 




Monday, May 4




12:00PM- 12:45PM

Lunch Buffet


12:45PM – 2:00PM

Opening Plenary

Opening Remarks

Featured Speakers

Karen Ross, Secretary, California Department of Food and Agriculture
Cherie Jamason, President & CEO, Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Commission Member, National Commission on Hunger

Keynote Address
Hunger in America: The next wave of the civil rights movement

What is a civil rights approach to ending hunger in the U.S? A civil rights approach is a demand for equality. Americans have a right to expect that our government will honor its obligation to help those who are in need. Americans also have a right to expect their government will help them when they are in need and a right to demand that the government live up to this obligation. Leibman will explore how a civil rights approach to ending hunger holds the government accountable for failures to ensure the availability, accessibility and adequacy of food for all.  

Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger



Workshop Session 1


3:30PM –3:45PM



3:45PM –5:00PM

Workshop Session 2


6:00PM –8:00PM


Sterling Hotel 1300 H Street (13 & H Street)



Tuesday, May 5




8:30AM –10AM

Opening Plenary

Keynote Address

What a Difference a Generation Makes! Engaging Four Generations of Staff, Donors and Volunteers

It used to be that older workers had all the answers and the younger ones followed orders.  How things have changed! Now, with Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials in the workplace, roles are being rewritten and rules are all over the map. 

Today, the nonprofit world is more complex than ever. Not only do we have to deal with generation gaps among our staff members, but we must also appeal to four very distinct generations of potential donors and volunteers.  Faced with so many options for donating time and money, it has never been more crucial to understand who the generations are and what makes them click, clash, and collide. Lynne Lancaster’s insightful, entertaining, multimedia presentation is not to be missed.

Lynne Lancaster, Best-Selling Author & Co-Founder of BridgeWorks: The Generations People



Workshop Session 3






Workshop Session 4






Shortening the Line, Transforming CalFresh & Reducing Hunger:  On the Road to Statewide Excellence

For too long, California has had the highest poverty but lowest use of CalFresh, leading to more hunger, more pressure on food banks, and less federal dollars for grocery stores & farmers markets.  Advocates have called for California to become a top 10 state for access to CalFresh by 2016, with at least a 75% participation rate.  State Director Lightbourne, in partnership with the counties operating CalFresh, has launched several initiatives – including a new data dashboard, more statewide standards, and a push for modern technologies – that are starting to pay off for people in need.  Come hear what’s next, what’s still needed, and what your food bank and county can do to reach our shared goal.

Will Lightbourne, Director, California Department of Social Services
Nancy Swanson, Director, Transitional Assistance Department, San Bernardino County Human Services
Kim McCoy Wade,改造CalFresh联盟的顾问


2:15PM –3:30PM

Workshop Session 5


3:30PM –3:45PM



3:45PM –5:00PM

Workshop Session 6



Conference ends


CAFB Member Only Reception


1615 J Street (16 & J)



Wednesday, May 6


CAFB Legislative Day

Eureka Room

State Capitol Building




Abby J. Leibman, President & CEO, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Abby J. Leibman has been President & CEO at MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger since 2011. Prior to her current tenure, Ms. Leibman had a consulting practice to assist social justice organizations, businesses, and public institutions meet the challenges of growth and change, including leadership development, managing diversity, and implementing strategies to respond to discrimination. 

Read more about Abby and her keynote speech here >>



Lynne Lancaster, Cultural Translator, BridgeWorks: The Generations People

Baby Boomer Lynne Lancaster is one of today’s foremost cultural translators. An expert on the generations, she is co-founder of BridgeWorks, a company that advises leaders, managers, and employees on how to conduct business more successfully by bridging generation gaps at work and in the marketplace. Her keynote speeches and workshops have enlightened and entertained audiences from many of America’s best companies, including 3M, American Express, AT&T, Best Buy, Cisco, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, General Mills, and US Bank, as well as from numerous public sector and nonprofit organizations.

Read more about Lynne and her keynote speech here >>



Six tracks offer a variety of experiences for conference attendees. Choose one track to develop deeper skills and knowledge in a given area or mix and match according to your interests!

Policy / New Visions / Development & Communications / Health & Nutrition / Programs / Operations


Session One – Monday, May 4 2:15-3:30

Health and Nutrition

Diet-related, chronic diseases are on the rise as well as the reliance on food assistance, with food banks playing a vital role in the health of the communities that they serve. Hear from the UC Atkins Center on Weight and Health as well as MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger about how food banks are now adopting nutritional policies to acquire and distribute healthier food.

伊丽莎白·坎贝尔(Elizabeth Campbell),加州大学伯克利分校体重与健康中心研究专家

Marz Feldman,MAZON计划总监:犹太人对饥饿的回应
加州大学伯克利分校体重与健康中心研究专家Michelle Ross


数字筹款趋势与见解   Repeating Workshop

Come to discuss emerging digital trends and results from the last year, and what they are telling us about the next era of fundraising. Join your colleagues to debate key challenges facing our industry, and ask your own pressing questions about the digital opportunities – and threats – that now confront nonprofits. Themes will include: Biggest opportunities and biggest threats – 3 things you must know about the next era of digital fundraising, the rise of mobile engagement and the critical opportunity it creates for nonprofits, plus the anatomy of a digital donor – characteristics, behaviors, expectations and values.

Kim Taylor, Supervisor Digital Strategy, Russ Reid


New Visions, Programs

How can food banks increase collaboration and breakdown silos to solve hunger? Find out what is happening at the local, state and national level as food banks partner with other organizations to address the causes and consequences of hunger.

网络参与总监Eileen Hyde,为客户提供服务,与美国合作
Erik Talkin, CEO Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
FOOD Share总裁兼首席执行官Bonnie Weigel


Policy, Development

Over the past several years, both the Food Research Action Center and Feeding America have invested significantly in message testing, and the results are surprising!  What turns stakeholders on and what can trigger supporters to turn away? Come hear the latest on messaging in the world of hunger and learn how to reach your stakeholders most effectively.  This workshop pairs well with “How to Change the Conversation about Hunger & Food Security”.

威斯康星州饲料公司执行董事David Lee
食品研究与行动中心法律总监Ellen Vollinger



So you think you don’t have enough time, capacity or staffing for advocacy? Attend this workshop to hear from your peers about how other food banks overcome these challenges and build strong advocacy programs, all with very limited resources.

FIND食品银行首席执行官兼总裁丽莎·休斯顿(Lisa Houston)
Food for People,Inc.社区教育和宣传协调员Heidi McHugh。洪堡县的食物银行
Feeding美国宣传总监Brett Weisel
洛杉矶地区食品银行传讯经理Susan Acker



Fresh produce is becoming a larger part of food bank and pantry distributions each year, but many are challenged to provide perishable products in a safe and efficient manner. This workshop will focus on safe handling and other practices essential to handling and distributing fresh produce. Farm to Family guidelines will also be discussed in this lively, interactive workshop.

SF- Marin Food Ban食品采购和分配总监Barbara Abbott
SF-Marin食品银行食品资源开发部的Gary Maxworthy
史蒂夫·林哈特(Steve Linkhart),加利福尼亚食品银行协会农场到家庭主任
Diane Tye Zapata, Associate Director of Food Resources, Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties



Session Two – Monday, May 4   3:45-5:00

New Visions, Programs, Health and Nutrition

Discover how food banks across the nation are trying to create more food by growing it themselves. This workshop shares research comparing current food growing programs and how they work to enhance food distribution. Ultimately, what is the impact on food security in the communities where food banks are growing food?

帝国谷食品银行执行董事Sara Griffen


食品安全的新高度:AIB国际审核初探 Repeating Workshop

Food safety can and should be an integrated part of everything your food bank does. This workshop explains the new AIB International audit required for Feeding America members. Come hear how this audit can impact food banks as well as Partner Distribution Organizations, and hear from those who have undergone the audit.

Afua Darkwa, Food Safety Coordinator, Feeding



Why should food banks and non-profits help people in their communities register to vote? And how do they go about it? Get the nuts and bolts of organizing voter registration and help turn the tide of low voter turnout in struggling communities.

阿拉米达县社区食品银行宣传经理Keisha Nzewi
Shaname Prasad,阿拉米达县社区食品银行社区动员协调员


New to Food Banking?

Join this informal session with California Association of Food Bank staff to get information on California’s food bank network and how it works. Get answers to your questions about the different food programs available in California.




Be a part of the movement to raise CalFresh participation to 75% by 2016. This introductory workshop shows you how to use a data-driven approach to engage with your local county on CalFresh performance improvements.

旧金山马林食品银行高级政策和宣传分析师戴安娜·詹森(Diana Jensen)
加州食品银行协会政策助理Sarah Palmer


Executive Directors Roundtable
New Visions, Development

For CAFB Member Food Bank Executive Directors only. This is an open discussion forum with peers.

Bateson, Executive Director, Alameda County Community Food Bank
David Goodman, Executive Director, Redwood Empire Food Bank



Session Three – Tuesday, May 5 10:00 -11:15


The new buzzword in agency relations is Agency Segmentation, which tiers agencies into different levels. Discover how food banks are using a metric-driven approach to re-structuring the way in which they partner with agencies to increase food distribution.

圣克拉拉和圣马特奥县第二丰收食品银行合伙人经理艾丽莎·凯泽·刘易斯(Alisha Keezer-Lewis)
圣克拉拉和圣马特奥县第二收获食品银行合伙人经理Shirley Chang


Organizing Your Warehouse: The 5S System Repeating Workshop

Learn from an expert in operations management about how to increase safety, reduce waste and optimize productivity in your operations. The 5S system is a proven method to improve your warehouse operations.

Manny Colmenares,
Manager, Lean Training and Development, Roll Global


如何改变有关饥饿与粮食不安全的话题 Repeating Workshop
Policy, New Visions, Development

Public perceptions about the who and why of hunger are roadblocks to meaningful conversations. This expert-led workshop will help you navigate stereotypes and garner more public support for solutions.

Elaine Mejia, Vice President, Public Works: the Center for the Public Sector


New Visions, Health and Nutrition, Programs

Out of a simple question came a great idea – hear how the Orange County Public Health Officer and Orange County Food Bank joined forces to lead a public-private coalition to end hunger and reduce food waste.

埃里克·格兰德(Eric G. Handler)博士,奥兰治县卫生官员
马克·洛瑞(Mark Lowry),奥兰治县社区行动伙伴关系奥兰治县食品银行董事


Health & Nutrition, Programs

Don’t reinvent the nutrition wheel! This workshop will give you the latest information on how you can jumpstart your nutrition program with innovative ideas and online resources.

莉安的食品储藏室EatFresh.org程序协调员Erin Franey
红木帝国食品银行项目经理艾米·尚纳(Amy Schaner)
Leah's Pantry EatFresh.org的高级计划协调员Jessica Silldorff
加利福尼亚食品银行协会营养教育协调员Cody Dunitz


Policy, Programs

Senior hunger is a growing and serious problem in California as more than half of our seniors have incomes 200% below the federal poverty level. This workshop will focus on strategies and tools to help find, get, and keep eligible seniors connected to CalFresh; as well as discussing solutions to California-specific issues such as immigrant eligibility and SSI cashout.

全国老龄理事会饥饿倡议主任卢拉·巴伯(Lura Barber)
加州老龄化部公共卫生营养顾问III,安德里亚·布里克(Andrea Bricker)
预算和政策重点研究中心政策分析师Ty Jones



Session Four – Tuesday,  May 5 11:30 -12:45


The Goldilocks Principle describes a situation that is just right. In this workshop you’ll hear from your peers how CalFresh outreach can be done in a variety of ways to suit your food bank’s capacity, so you can find the “just right” situation.

资源连接食品银行总监珍妮·海沃德(Jeannie Hayward)
FOOD CalFresh外联助理协调员Martha Montesinos
SF-Marin食品银行CalFresh拓展计划经理Liliana Sandoval


Organizing Your Warehouse: The 5S System Repeating Workshop

Learn from an expert in operations management about how to increase safety, reduce waste and optimize productivity in your operations. The 5S system is a proven method to improve your warehouse operations.

Manny Colmenares, Manager, Lean Training and Development, Roll Global



Learn how food banks can go to the next level in produce handling, and real time inventory management, to expand their warehouse operations and improve service.

第二收获食品银行圣克拉拉和圣马特奥县的分销和物流总监Pat Ybarra
史蒂夫·林哈特(Steve Linkhart),加利福尼亚食品银行协会农场到家庭主任


New Visions, Policy, Programs

The University of California system and CalFresh advocates are taking a bold stance on student hunger issues. Learn how your food bank can get involved and pursue partnerships with institutions of higher learning in your community.

西方法律与贫困中心立法倡导者杰西卡·巴索洛(Jessica Bartholow)
第二收获食品银行圣克鲁斯县首席执行官Willy Elliot-McCrea
蒂姆·加拉诺(Tim Galarneau),加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁斯分校食品系统教育与研究专家
SNAP丹尼斯·斯图尔特(Dennis Stewart),美国农业部西部地区主管


Policy, Programs

Learn what’s at stake with the 2015 Child Nutrition Reauthorization law and how to best serve the nearly 2 million California kids at risk for hunger after the school day and during the summer.

帕特里斯·张伯伦(Patrice Chamberlain),加利福尼亚夏季膳食联盟负责人
食品研究与行动中心学校和校外时间计划主任Crystal FitzSimons
红杉帝国食品银行项目经理Itzul Gutierrez
圣地亚哥Feeding America项目经理Erin Hogeboom



Diet and food access are now central to conversations about public health – and food banks are increasingly partnering with programs aimed at promoting positive health outcomes. Program Officers will address current trends in grantmaking that are relevant to food banks and answer your questions about how to cultivate successful relationships with funders, what makes for a winning proposal, and more.

Ellen La Pointe,
Executive Director, Northern California Grantmakers
加利福尼亚基金会项目经理克里斯汀·田(Christine Tien)
凯瑟琳·博伊尔(Kathryn Boyle),北加州地区社区福利计划,凯撒永久基金会

Additional presenters to be announced



Session Five – Tuesday, May 5 2:15 -3:30

Faster Than Strawberries

Given limited resources and unpredictable supply and demand, how do you effectively manage the changes and improvements needed to support a substantial increase in produce distribution in your community? In this workshop you’ll learn how one food bank has organized its approach to support the distribution of over 30 million pounds of fresh produce. Participate in the discussion on those best practices that will help you organize your food bank operations and maximize your ability to handle produce.

Presenter :
Ralph A. Maltese, Vice President of Operations, Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties


Introduction to Lean and the 8 Wastes Repeating Workshop

For warehouse operations to grow lean, the daily work must be accompanied by continuous improvement activities. We must be able to identify what can, or should be, improved while identifying wasteful elements in our daily work – it’s a necessary skill that can erode with routine. The “8 Wastes” will provide a well-rounded approach to enable your entire workforce to become an army for identifying and eliminating the wasteful aspects of their daily jobs.

Manny Colmenares, Manager, Lean Training and Development, Roll Global


如何改变有关饥饿与粮食不安全的话题 Repeating Workshop
Policy, New Visions, Development

Public perceptions about the who and why of hunger are roadblocks to meaningful conversations. This expert-led workshop will help you navigate stereotypes and garner more public support for solutions.

Elaine Mejia, Vice President, Public Works: the Center for the Public Sector


Health & Nutrition

An open discussion forum for those engaged in nutrition issues. Come to share your best practices and great ideas for increasing nutritional competence among our organizations and clients, while getting support from peers and discussing what’s on your mind in relation to your work.

Natalie Caples,
Programs Supervisor, Community Food Bank, Fresno



Take your commitment to CalFresh to the next level.This peer-to-peer discussion will dig deeply into the opportunities and challenges facing advocates working to improve every county’s CalFresh performance.

Kim McCoy Wade,改造CalFresh联盟的顾问
加利福尼亚食品政策倡导者立法总监Alexis Fernandez
圣地亚哥饥饿联盟CalFresh拓展总监Amanda Schultz

Joël McClurg, CalFresh Outreach Manager, Foodbank of Contra Costa and Solano



This roundtable is an open discussion forum for peer learning and mutual support for development professionals, and anyone else who is involved in raising food and funds. Bring your questions, joys and frustrations, as well as your new ideas to share.

Nicole Suydam,
CEO, Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County



第六场 – Tuesday, May 5 3:45 – 5:00

数字筹款趋势与见解 Repeating Workshop

Come to discuss emerging digital trends and results from the last year, and what they are telling us about the next era of fundraising. Join your colleagues to debate key challenges facing our industry, and ask your own pressing questions about the digital opportunities – and threats – that now confront nonprofits. Themes will include: Biggest opportunities, biggest threats – 3 things you must know about the next era of digital fundraising, the rise of mobile engagement and the critical opportunity it creates for nonprofits, plus the anatomy of a digital donor – characteristics, behaviors, expectations and values.

金·泰勒(Richard Reid),数字策略主管


食品安全的新高度:AIB国际审核初探 Repeating Workshop

Food safety can and should be an integrated part of everything your food bank does. This workshop explains the new AIB International audit required for Feeding America members.  Come hear how this audit can impact food banks and Partner Distribution Organizations, and hear from those who have undergone the audit.

喂养美国食品安全协调员Afua Darkwa


如何改变有关饥饿与粮食不安全的话题 Repeating Workshop
Policy, New Visions, Development

Public perceptions about the who and why of hunger are roadblocks to meaningful conversations. This expert-led workshop will help you navigate stereotypes and garner more public support for solutions.

Elaine Mejia, Vice President, Public Works: the Center for the Public Sector



This in-depth workshop will allow participants to share best practices and “crowdsource” common advocacy challenges in a peer-to-peer format. Facilitated discussions will cover topics such as maximizing limited resources, managing difficult political environments, mobilizing agencies, developing legislative champions, and more!

雅各布和库什曼圣地亚哥食品银行传播,营销和公共事务副总裁克里斯·卡特(Chris Carter)
圣克拉拉第二收获食品银行和圣马特奥县计划与服务副总裁辛迪·麦考恩(Cindy McCown)
SF-马林食品银行政策与服务总监Teri Olle
阿拉米达县社区食品银行政策与服务总监艾莉森·普拉特(Allison Pratt)


New Visions, Programs, Development

Rural and remote communities have unique challenges and opportunities. Come to share ideas and concerns, and hear from peers with creative ideas and innovative programs.

洪堡县食品银行人粮执行总监Anne Holcomb
Lee Kimball,Amador Tuolumne社区行动局食品银行总监

Back to workshop menu




Sacramento Attractions

A trip to Sacramento is an opportunity to explore and learn. On May 6, join CAFB for Legislative Day and view the American Academy of Pediatrics Who’s Hungry? exhibit in the Capitol Annex Hallway. Designed to raise awareness about the face of childhood hunger, the exhibit features photos of children who have tested positive for food insecurity in Northern California. 

After the conference, take a trip around the city: pedal your way through the streets of Old Sacramento with a rented bike from Practical Cycles, or grab a drink on the historic Delta King on the Sacramento River. Enjoy local and seasonal dishes in an 1893 firehouse at Mulvaney’s in Midtown, or take a stroll through the Sutter District. Whether on bike, foot, or boat, there’s plenty to see in Sacramento.


的 California State Railroad Museum provides a historical narrative of how railroads have shaped people’s lives, the economy, and the unique culture of California and the West.
Hours: Open daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm
Tickets: $10/Adults
Location: Old Sacramento, at the corner of Second and “I” Streets

Priceless works of art are housed in a priceless work of art at the Crocker Art Museum, a California Historical Landmark listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 10:00am – 5:00pm
Tickets: $10/Adults
Location: 216 O Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 

In the heart of Midtown Sacramento discover the pioneer spirit of families arriving at the dawn of the Gold Rush at Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park and Museum
Hours: Open daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm
Tickets: $5/Adults
Location: 2701 L Street Sacramento, CA 95816



Conference Sponsors

CAFB’s 2015 Conference has been made possible by the following sponsors.

(Interested in supporting our 2015 Conference? It’s not too late! Please see our Sponsor Application Form for more information) 


  Premier sponsor
  Reception sponsor
  Reception sponsor
  Lunch sponsor
  Breakfast sponsor
  Breakfast sponsor
      Break sponsor
  Break sponsor



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