Protecting SNAP & WIC in the FY 2024 Agriculture Appropriations Bill
3 月 10, 2024
今天, Fiscal Year 2024 Agriculture Appropriations package was passed, which thankfully ensures full funding for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). And, does not include any harmful restrictions to purchasing choice in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). We are very grateful that the bill preserves both personal choice and maintains dignity in SNAP, and ensures no pregnant or postpartum people and young children will be turned away from vital food benefits.
After news broke in early February that lawmakers were considering a harmful proposal for a pilot to limit the type and variety of foods that SNAP recipients can purchase, we worked in lock-step with national and state partners to lift up the importance of protecting a core feature of SNAP that allows recipients to freely make the most complex and personal decisions about what to buy at the grocery store. Across the anti-hunger community in California, this has always been one of our top federal priorities and on February 6 we submitted a joint cross-sector letter to congressional leaders.
Another key victory within the bill is the preservation of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) authority to utilize Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds for the provision of commodity foods to food banks. This crucial provision will continue to support food banks in their mission to provide nutritious foods to those in need across the country.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our California Congressional Delegation and in particular members on the Appropriations Committee who fought to ensure harmful SNAP restrictions were not included and ensure full funding of WIC.
We also want to recognize and express our appreciation to all of the California food banks and anti-hunger community for their advocacy to defend and strengthen SNAP.
To continue supporting advocacy to protect and strengthen SNAP, you can reach out to your Member of Congress to ask them to co-sponsor key marker bills in the Farm Bill. Visit the CAFB Farm Bill web page for a list of key marker bills and how to take action.