Celebrating 50 Years of Impact: Approaching Two Billion Pounds Provided to Fight Hunger in Los Angeles County
When Numbers Translate into Hope
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is thrilled to be celebrating their 50th anniversary — a journey of five decades dedicated to mobilizing resources to fight hunger in their community. As they mark this milestone, they’re also on the brink of a remarkable achievement:
acquiring and distributing 2 billion pounds of food and product since their inception in 1973, the equivalent of 1.6 billion meals. The Food Bank has reached millions of residents of Los Angeles County over the past 50 years, and each person and family has their own story. They celebrate the people behind these stories and appreciate that the Food Bank and its many partners have played a role to ease burdens, renew hope, and provide nutritious food and other essential items to alleviate hunger.
2 Billion Pounds of Food and Grocery Products: A Glimpse of Impact
Two billion. It’s a staggering number that’s hard to grasp without context. To put it into perspective, that’s roughly equivalent to the entire global population just a few decades ago. Yet, even as the Food Bank marvels at the magnitude of this accomplishment, they find themselves humbled by the fact that each and every meal provided represents an individual, a family, a child, or older adult who has faced the harsh reality of hunger.
“And we are just one food bank. Imagine the incredible impact that the California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) is having!“
–Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
2 Billion Pounds is the Equivalent of 1.6 Billion Meals
Every meal the Food Bank distributes has a profound impact. It means that a child starts their day with a nutritious breakfast, setting them on the path to learning and growth. It means a parent could put food on the table for their family, relieving them from the anguish of empty stomachs.
It means an older adult not having to choose between medication and a meal. In each of these moments, LA Regional Food Bank’s mission to fight hunger gained purpose, their commitment gained strength, and their community gained resilience.
For example, Maria never thought retirement would include a part-time job and four grandchildren to raise. Luckily, the Food Bank is here to help. Read her story here.
Everything is very essential because everything is very expensive.
Maria Velasco
Celebrating Partnerships
While 2 billion is a monumental number, it’s crucial to remember that this milestone is more than just a statistic. It is a testament to the power of collective action, the generosity of donors, the dedication of volunteers, and the impact of partnerships. Behind each of these pounds are countless stories of transformation — stories of hope restored, health regained, and futures reimagined.
“Thanks to the generosity of our community, the Food Bank and other CAFB members can support community partners like St. Agnes Parish.”
–Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
Thank you to those who donate food, time or money.
St. Agnes Parish
Energizing the Community
As they stand on the brink of their 2 billionth pound of product distributed, they’re reminded that hunger and nutrition insecurity persist in their community, often hidden behind closed doors. But it’s a battle they’re committed to fighting — one meal at a time, one individual at a time.
In celebrating their 50 years of service and nearly 2 billion pounds provided, they recognize that the journey to end hunger is far from over.
“Every meal is a testament to the resilience of those we serve and the unwavering dedication of our supporters and partners like CAFB. Together, we’ve turned numbers into nourishment, and as we look ahead, we see not just pounds but lives transformed and communities strengthened.”
–Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
We at CAFB want to thank the LA Regional Food Bank for all the amazing work that they do — because every meal they provide is a step closer to a hunger-free California.
This blog post was written by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. They invite others join them as they celebrate their journey and approach this remarkable milestone. Support, whether through donations, volunteerism, raising awareness, or advocating for public policy changes, is instrumental in turning numbers into nourishment, statistics into stories, and meals into meaningful change. Learn more at LAFoodBank.org. You can also find them on 推特, Instagram的, 脸书, 领英和 YouTube.
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