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Intrax 捐赠时间和资金来消除饥饿

8 月 18, 2017

内部, a leader in global education and citizen diplomacy, recently joined our fight to end hunger. The San Francisco office decided to use J Day—a celebration of cultural diversity and American customs, where participants give back to their communities and have fun—as a way to help their neighbors in need. Intrax employees, exchange students and their host families, interns, and others arrived at the SF-Marin Food Bank on a lovely Monday morning to share time together as a team, while packaging produce and dairy. They also enjoyed lunch and the awarding of some enviable raffle prizes.

President Marcie Schneider explained why she wanted this particular J Day event to focus on hunger, “In California, we should have ample healthy food to feed everyone, but there are people in our community who don’t have enough to eat. Being hungry makes it hard to focus, hard to do anything.”

Schneider then presented a generous check to be shared by SF Marin Food Bank and California Association of Food Banks. The donation represented fundraising efforts by Intrax employees, J Day participants, and partner companies.

We appreciate their support and the time they took to volunteer with one of our member food banks. Together, we will secure well-nourished and hunger-free California, where all people have enough food to lead a healthy life.


Photos by Will Traer




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