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CAFB Statement on Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1)

11 月 17, 2017

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1) passed by a vote 227 – 205 this morning. The bill proposes $1.5 trillion in tax cuts tilted towards the wealthiest Americans and corporations while harming California’s working families, was unilaterally opposed by House Democrats along with 13 Republican members including three Californians, Representative Issa, Representative McClintock, and Representative Rohrabacher.

H.R. 1 will make it harder for food banks to feed people and make it more difficult for everyday Californians to get the nourishment they need to live healthy, productive lives. The bill provides few, if any, tax benefits for low- and middle-income households, increases the deficit by over $1.5 trillion over a decade and places downward pressure to cut future spending from critical programs like SNAP (CalFresh). The bill also takes direct aim at food banks and all non-profits by diminishing the effectiveness of charitable giving deductions, denying food banks the means needed to best serve their communities.

California Association of Food Banks is also concerned that many of the problems highlighted above will be seen in the Senate’s tax plan, which is expected for floor consideration the week following Thanksgiving. Under the Senate plan, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are made possible by increasing taxes for those making under $75,000 a year. A second blow to low and middle-class Californians comes with the provision to repeal the Affordable Care Act individual mandate which will increase the number of uninsured and if passed will have significant impacts on hunger and health for California.



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