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5 月 29, 2019

We had a fantastic time at this year’s Capitol Action Day meeting with legislators to discuss anti-hunger budget and policy priorities.

These priorities include enhancing food bank capacity, ensuring a smooth rollout for the CalFresh expansion to SSI recipients, expanding funding for CalRecycle, and enhancing economic security for working families. For a further breakdown of legislative priorities, 点击这里.

We honored Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, AD 15, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes, AD 47, Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman, AD 13, and Assemblymember Marc Berman, AD 24, for their ongoing commitment to ending hunger in California.

In her remarks, Assemblymember Wicks emphasized her belief that access to food is a human right.

Assemblymember Berman spoke to the importance of making sure no one has to choose between paying rent and feeding their family.

Assemblymember Eggman made connections between fighting food insecurity and fighting the proliferation of food waste.

Assemblymember Reyes reiterated her commitment to helping Californians live with dignity.

More than 40 participants took part in the legislative visits, including representatives from these member food banks and partner organizations:

  • Community Action Partnership of Kern Food Bank
  • 人们的食物
  • 洛杉矶地区食品银行
  • 圣克拉拉和圣马特奥县第二收获食品银行
  • The Western Center on Law and Poverty
  • 阿拉米达县社区食品银行
  • 哥斯达黎加和索拉诺食品银行
  • 圣克鲁斯县第二丰收食品银行
  • 雅各布斯和库什曼圣地亚哥食品银行
  • 旧金山马林食品银行
  • 寻找食品银行
  • 帝国谷食品银行
  • 橙县第二收获食品银行
  • 纳帕谷食品银行的社区行动
  • 西边食品银行
  • Food Bank Santa Barbara County
  • 蒙特雷县粮食银行
  • 圣贝纳迪诺县社区行动伙伴关系
  • 萨克拉曼多食品银行和家庭服务
  • 红木帝国食品银行
  • Food Bank of San Luis Obispo County


We’re thankful to the legislators who work alongside us in the fight against poverty and food insecurity in California. We’re looking forward to continuing the momentum!



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