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农业法案 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that authorizes most federal policies governing food and agriculture programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), known as CalFresh in California. The Farm Bill is reauthorized approximately every five years and sets food and agricultural policy that provides a safety net for our country’s agricultural producers and helps our low-income communities put food on the table. The 2023 Farm Bill expired on September 30, 2023, but the Continuing Resolution H.R. 6363, passed in November of 2023, extended the Farm Bill until September 30, 2024. Discussions about the Farm Bill are taking place in D.C. and across the country.

加州生产全国近一半的水果和蔬菜,但 五分之一的加利福尼亚人——大约 800 万人 - 目前正在与粮食不安全作斗争。 SNAP 帮助支持 500 万加利福尼亚人, brings in about $13 billion in federal food benefits, $23 billion in total economic activity, and 173,000 jobs statewide.

值得庆幸的是,按照国会的指示,美国农业部成功实施了 2018 年农业法案,包括早就应该更新的节俭食品计划 (TFP)。 

But in 2023, California faced a catastrophic hunger crisis. 随着签署 2023 年综合拨款法案联邦公共卫生紧急状态于 2023 年 5 月 11 日结束, two critical programs that helped to mitigate hunger over the last three years came to an end. SNAP 接受者于 2023 年 3 月 26 日收到最后一次紧急拨款,自 COVID-19 大流行开始以来一直在提高 CalFresh 的福利,并且非常有效 流行病 EBT 计划 that has been providing food benefits to children ended after the 2022–23 school year. This has intensified widespread hardship throughout California. 

CAFB 农业法案优先事项
Western Region Priorities
CA Legislature Letter

加强 SNAP 的标记票据:

我们必须支持在农业法案中加强 SNAP 的立法。


食品银行在 Tulare 农场法案听证会上发表评论,2/14/23

2022 年 7 月 6 日加州农业法案听证会快照





有什么问题吗 Itzúl Gutierrez (itzul.gutierrez@cafoodbanks.org) or Becky Silva (becky@cafoodbanks.org)

*This page was last updated on June 17, 2024



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