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$5 Million for Food Waste Prevention on the Table, Deadline July 18

June 1, 2017

Don’t throw away the chance for funding! The Food Waste Prevention & Rescue Grant Program is now open, with the deadline in mid July. As part of the California Climate Investments, which highlights California’s global leadership on climate action, the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, strengthen the economy, and improve public health and the environment, especially in disadvantaged communities.

Who can apply? Organizations may submit up to two applications, individually or as cooperative or regional efforts, with up to four participants total.

Non-profit organizations are eligible, and partners can be businesses, local government (including sanitation/waste agencies), state agencies, public school districts, California universities and community colleges, and solid waste facilities.


What should you do? Projects must result in permanent, annual, and measurable:


  1. Reductions in GHG emissions from the production, processing, packaging, distribution, and landfilling of California-generated food materials; and
  2. Increases in California-generated food materials, diverted from landfill and prevented or rescued from disposal.

What can you do?

  • Food waste prevention projects that stop food waste from being generated and becoming waste normally destined for landfills
  • Food rescue projects that result in rescued food being distributed to people
  • Either of the above should also send food waste residuals from the project to composting or digestion when available within the project service area


What costs will the grant cover? Eligible costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Refrigerators, freezers, and refrigeration systems
  • Transportation such as refrigerated trucks
  • Storage and collection infrastructure such as food crates or bins
  • Food preparation and cooking items such as ovens, ranges, etc. 
  • Salaries, public education, and/or outreach costs (see instructions for limits)
  • Software costs: food waste online exchange and source reduction platforms (see instructions for limits)


Funding ranges from $25,000 to $500,000. You can ask questions until June 28. The deadline to submit the application is July 18. CalRecycle will likely award grants in October or November.

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