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Zero Churn: Providing Food and Stability to Families in Need

Table of Contents:

What is Churn?

Measuring Churn in California

Reducing Churn to Zero



What is “Churn?”

Too many people who still need and qualify for food assistance from CalFresh are losing help for administrative reasons — not because they no longer need or qualify for help. This interruption of service creates hunger, hardship, and instability for that family.It also usually leads to a re-application, generating redundant paper work both for the family and the county serving them. This problem is called “churn” and it is hampering Californians’ participation in CalFresh (or SNAP), the nation’s number one defense against hunger.

Read our fact sheet on churn >>

Watch September 30th’s webinar on churn >>

See the slides from September 30th’s webinar >>


Measuring Churn in California

Data as of 9/30/2014. Graphics prepared by Becky Gershon, San Francisco-Marin Food Bank


How can I find my county’s “churn rate?”

Please see the Data Dashboard for CalFresh >>

How do I use the Data Dashboard?

The Advocate’s Guide for Using the Data Dashboard for CalFresh >>


Reducing Churn to Zero


  1. Track the problem
  2. Identify solutions
  3. Standardize for all consumers statewide



Sobre nosotros

Zero Churn is an initiative of the Alliance to Transform CalFresh, whose members include theAsociación de Bancos de Alimentos de CaliforniaCalifornia Family Resource AssociationDefensores de la política alimentaria de CaliforniaCentro occidental sobre derecho y pobrezaCatholic Charities of California UnitedBanco de alimentos SF-MarinBanco Regional de Alimentos de Los Ángeles.

For more information, please visit

Or, contact Kim McCoy Wade at

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