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Política federal

septiembre 28, 2022

septiembre 28, 2022

Ahead of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, Representatives Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Josh Harder (CA-10), Jimmy Panetta […]

agosto 10, 2022

Last month, we held two listening sessions to gather insights and ideas from our network of food banks and members […]

julio 22, 2022

On Wednesday, the House Committee on Labor and EducationChairman Bobby Scott (D-VA) released the much anticipated Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids […]

julio 19, 2022

Earlier this month, Congressmember Jim Costa held a Farm Bill listening session at Fresno State University. Various stakeholders such as […]

abril 15, 2022

The U.S. Public Health Emergency extension is a critical step toward averting another hunger crisis during the ongoing pandemic. On […]

diciembre 6, 2021

“We’re serving lots of people. We’re seeing a different, dynamic demographic of people who are being served. We’re serving more […]

septiembre 8, 2021

We call on all California Members of the House Education & Labor Committee to support the bill, and urge the House and Senate to quickly pass the Build Back Better Act into law.

abril 28, 2021

Landmark Package Championed by California Legislative Leaders Today President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris released the American Families Plan. […]

12 de marzo de 2021

Ayer, el presidente Biden promulgó la ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense que fue aprobado por el Congreso a principios de esta semana. Este $1.9 […]

12 de marzo de 2021

Después de más de dos años de feroz defensa nacional y local, el Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU. Anunció el 9 de marzo […]

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