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enero 11, 2024

enero 11, 2024

Yesterday, Governor Newsom released his proposed 2024-25 state budget. At a time when hunger is on the rise and similar to devastating pre-pandemic levels, we are very grateful for proposals to protect progress made to strengthen anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs that are critical for millions of Californians. 

junio 28, 2023

Yesterday, Governor Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2023 (AB/SB 102), which protects critical programs and makes investments to support […]

mayo 12, 2023

This morning Governor Newsom released his May Revise of the 2023-24 state budget plan, which outlines his priorities and vision […]

enero 12, 2023

On Tuesday, Governor Newsom released his state proposal for the 2023-24 budget. We are deeply grateful to the Governor for […]

julio 1, 2022

Makes Ongoing Investments in California’s Anti-Hunger Programs Last night, Governor Newsom signed the 2022 Budget Act (SB/AB 178). This Budget […]

enero 11, 2022

Governor Newsom’s budget blueprint proposes over 1 billion dollars for realizing the vision for School Meals for All, broadening access to food benefits for older adults regardless of immigration status, and expanding the impact of critical anti-poverty programs like CalWORKS and the Young Child Tax Credit. These and other proposals are a promising and significant step toward a hunger-free California for all.

julio 13, 2021

Makes Historic Investments in California’s Nutrition Safety Net & Significant Steps Toward a Hunger-Free Future Late last night, Governor Newsom […]

14 de mayo de 2018

El gobernador Brown publicó la revisión de mayo del presupuesto estatal el viernes pasado. Si bien CAFB se complació en ver a CalFood incluido, nosotros […]

14 de mayo de 2018

Agradecemos al gobernador Brown por incluir $8 millones para CalFood en su revisión presupuestaria de mayo. La financiación de CalFood es fundamental para […]

14 de mayo de 2018

Es con gran entusiasmo que traemos la noticia de que Sheryl Sandberg una vez más aboga por el estado de CAFB […]

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