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junio 28, 2024

junio 28, 2024

Throughout this challenging budget year, we have been fortunate to work alongside our member food banks, anti-hunger partners, and advocates across California to uplift many of the priorities included in the final State budget.

junio 28, 2023

Yesterday, Governor Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2023 (AB/SB 102), which protects critical programs and makes investments to support […]

mayo 30, 2023

On Saturday, a proposed agreement was announced on the federal debt ceiling. While we appreciate the effort to improve the […]

septiembre 20, 2022

Yesterday, Governor Newsom issued a veto message for AB 1965 (Wicks) that would have created “CARE” (California Anti-Hunger Response) benefits […]

enero 5, 2018

A common threat to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the addition of a work requirement. Many states are rolling […]

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