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CalFresh y el cierre del gobierno federal


December 20, 2024: President Biden signed a Continuing Resolution (H.R. 10545), to continue funding the government at current levels through March 14, 2025. The stopgap bill did not include an extension of USDA’s authority to replace stolen Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit. Congress still must pass a full budget (or another Continuing Resolution) by March 14 to avoid a federal government shutdown when this Continuing Resolution expires. 

September 25, 2024: Yesterday, the House and Senate passed a Continuing Resolution (H.R. 9747), which now heads to President Biden for signature. This bill will continue funding the government at current levels through December 20, including critical anti-hunger programs like SNAP, WIC, TEFAP, and CSFP, and an extension to restore stolen SNAP/CalFresh benefits. Congress still must pass a full budget (or another Continuing Resolution) by December 20 to avoid a federal government shutdown when this Continuing Resolution expires. 

March 9, 2024: Today, President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (H.R. 4366), securing a full year of funding through September 30, 2024 for six federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture. Thankfully the bill includes protecting SNAP and fully funding WIC while avoiding a partial federal government shutdown. 

February 29, 2024: Today, the House and Senate passed a Continuing Resolution (H.R. 7463), which now heads to President Biden for signature. This will continue funding some federal departments until March 8, and others until March 22. Congress still must pass a full budget (or another Continuing Resolution) by March 8 to avoid a partial federal government shutdown and by March 22 to avoid a full government shutdown. 

January 18, 2024: Today, the House and Senate passed a laddered Continuing Resolution (H.R. 2872). This bill will continue funding some federal departments at current levels until March 1, and other departments until March 8. Although this ensures the federal government will not shut down tomorrow, Congress still must pass a full budget (or another Continuing Resolution) by March 1 to avoid a partial federal government shutdown and by March 8 to avoid a full government shutdown when this Continuing Resolution expires.

November 17, 2023: Yesterday, the House and Senate passed, and President Biden signed, a laddered Continuing Resolution (H.R. 6363). This bill will continue funding some federal departments at current levels until January 19, and other departments until February 2nd. Although this ensures the federal government will not shut down today, Congress still must pass a full budget (or another Continuing Resolution) by January 19 to avoid a partial federal government shutdown and by February 2 to avoid a full government shutdown when this Continuing Resolution expires.

October 16, 2023: Hoy, USDA confirmed SNAP (CalFresh) benefits will be issued as normal in November and December. Under the terms and conditions of the current Continuing Resolution, USDA is able to provide SNAP benefits as normal through the end of December 2023.

October 1, 2023: Ayer la Cámara y el Senado aprobaron, y el presidente Biden firmóuna resolución continua de 45 días (H.R. 5860Este proyecto de ley continuará financiando al gobierno en los niveles actuales hasta el 17 de noviembre, incluidos programas críticos contra el hambre como SNAP, WIC, TEFAP y CSFP. Aunque esto garantiza que el gobierno federal no cerrará hoy, el Congreso aún debe aprobar un presupuesto completo (u otra Resolución Continua) antes del 17 de noviembre para evitar un cierre del gobierno federal cuando expire esta Resolución Continua. 

September 20, 2023: CDSS emitió una All County Welfare Directors Letter indicando que CDSS no necesita emitir beneficios de CalFresh anticipadamente para el mes de octubre de 2023, incluso si hay un cierre del gobierno federal. Esta carta confirma que los beneficios de CalFresh para el mes de octubre se emitirán normalmente, del 1 al 10 del mes, sin interrupciones para los hogares de CalFresh. CDSS emitirá orientación relacionada con cualquier posible cierre futuro del gobierno federal y el impacto en los beneficios de CalFresh, según sea necesario.

September 18, 2023: El USDA anunció cambios inmediatos en sus prácticas contables, lo que significa CDSS (y otros estados) no necesitan emitir indicando que CDSS no necesita emitir beneficios de CalFresh anticipadamente para el mes de octubre de 2023, incluso si hay un cierre del gobierno federal. Los beneficiarios de CalFresh recibirán su emisión de CalFresh en su fecha normal entre el 1 y el 10 de octubre. 

September 15, 2023: CDSS emitió una All County Welfare Directors Letterque describe un plan de contingencia para la emisión anticipada de beneficios CalFresh en octubre de 2023 en caso de cierre del gobierno federal. El plan sólo se activará si el Congreso no puede llegar a un acuerdo para evitar el cierre del gobierno federal antes del 20 de septiembre. Si no se llega a un acuerdo, California emitirá los beneficios CalFresh de octubre anticipadamente, a finales de septiembre. Si se promulga el plan, necesitaremos su ayuda para hacer correr la voz a los hogares de CalFresh, pero Espere hasta que sepamos más.

2019 Shutdown: Resources & Info

Archive of updates from the government shutdown in 2019.

February 13, 2019 – CalFresh benefits for March will be issued on a single day, Friday, March 1, 2019, rather than the normal staggered issuance cycle of the first through the tenth of the month. This change will mitigate the effects of the early issuance of February benefits and the resulting gap in food assistance. Counties shall continue all other CalFresh operations as usual. The full notice from CDSS is available aquí.

January 25, 2019 – The government has been funded through February 15. If there is no deal at that point, the government could shut down again. If there is another shutdown, USDA could fund SNAP/CalFresh benefits for March and April, as long as April benefits go out by March 15 (30 days after February 15). 

Facts about SNAP (CalFresh) After the Shutdown (Inglés / Español)

We also encourage you to continue to check the FNS website for the most up-to-date information.


The Continuing Resolution that was funding USDA and nutrition programs including SNAP/CalFresh expired on December 21. USDA has not received appropriations to fund SNAP/CalFresh past January 20 and has instructed states to issue benefits early – no later than January 20. After January 20 there are USDA SNAP contingency funds that will be available until they run out.

CDSS’ plan to issue February CalFresh benefits early.




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