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No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.

Servicios a los miembros


Recent Accomplishments:

  • Secured over $7.25 million in funds for our member food banks
  • Hosted a statewide anti-hunger conference for our members and partners, attracting nearly 300 participants.


California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) is a statewide membership organization of 40+ food banks. To help our members end hunger in their communities, we provide a range of programs, services and member resources


Fortalecimiento de la capacidad del banco de alimentos

Our member food banks play a crucial role in California’s safety net, helping feed the 8 million Californians in need every year – and they do so by leveraging every $1 donated into at least $5 worth of food. Achieving this level of efficiency and service is no easy task.

La banca de alimentos es un esfuerzo logístico complejo que requiere eficiencia en cada punto del camino, desde la obtención de alimentos donados hasta la implementación de prácticas seguras de manejo y almacenamiento y la selección de organizaciones benéficas locales para ayudar a distribuir los alimentos.

CAFB helps our members become more effective and stay up-to-date by facilitating the sharing of best practices among food banks through regional meetings, seminarios web, newsletters y conferences. Topics include food sourcing, logistics, advocacy, fundraising, community outreach and nutrition. The Innovative Programs section of our website showcases some of the effective and replicable programs developed by our members.

Every two years, CAFB hosts an anti-hunger conference for our members, partners and stakeholders. The next conference will be held in Sacramento in Spring 2019. Learn about our past conferences aquí


Providing Funding Opportunities & Food Resources

Over the past year, CAFB has secured $7.25 million dollars in funding for our member food banks – through foundation grants, government funds, and other sources – to help them conduct CalFresh (food stamp) outreach, provide nutrition education, purchase foods such as fresh produce and protein items, and help with special efforts, such as food assistance for drought-stricken regions.

Members receive news of our funding opportunities through our members-only newsletter.


Strengthening Local Advocacy Programs

In addition to our work at the federal and state levels advocating for food banks and the people they serve, CAFB also supports our member food banks as they develop and expand their local hunger advocacy programs. To help our members mobilize their communities to end hunger, we provide technical assistance, skills building, and resources for local advocacy programs. To learn more about how CAFB can help you build your food bank’s advocacy program, please contact Andrew Cheyne, Director of Government Affairs, at (510) 350-9915 or

To learn more about applying to be a member of CAFB’s food bank network, please contact Terry Garner, Director of Member Services, at or (510) 350-9911.



Recursos para miembros

Programas innovadores

Directorio de miembros

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