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Bills highlighted in orange are sponsored by CAFB.
Patrocinador (es): California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy (hearing 4/23)
Texto de factura | Factsheet (coming soon!) | Template LOS for Asm. Utilities and Energy (due 4/16)
Patrocinador (es): GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization (CCWRO), SEIU California
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD)
Patrocinador (es): Nourish California, Centro de Políticas para Inmigrantes de California
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD)
Patrocinador (es): Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos de California
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Committee on Education (hearing 4/2)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Education Committee (due 3/28 at noon)
Patrocinador (es): California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, SEIU California
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Committee on Education (hearing 4/2) and Human Services (hearing TBD)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Education/Human Services Committees (due 3/28 at noon)
Patrocinador (es): State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Education (hearing 4/2) and Public Safety Committee (hearing TBD)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Committee on Public Safety (due 3/11)
Patrocinador (es): California Association of Food Banks, Center for Healthy Communities, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, UAspire, The Michelson Center for Public Policy
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Higher Education Committee (hearing 4/22)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Organizational LOS Template (due 4/16) | Individual Email Template (due 4/16)
Patrocinador (es): Centro Occidental de Derecho y Pobreza
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD) and Health (hearing TBD)
Texto de factura | Factsheet (coming soon!)
Patrocinador (es): Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, UAspire, Western Center on Law and Poverty
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Committee on Human Services (hearing 3/25)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Committee on Human Services (due 3/18)
Patrocinador (es): Western Center on Law and Poverty, SEIU California
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Committee on Human Services (hearing TBD) and Public Safety (hearing 4/18)
Patrocinador (es): N/A
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources (hearing 3/24)
Patrocinador (es): N/A
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to the Senate Committee on Revenues and Tax (hearing 5/14)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Committee on Revenues and Tax (due 5/2)
Patrocinador (es): California Association of Food Banks, GRACE/End Child Poverty CA, National Diaper Bank Network
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to Assembly Committee on Health (hearing TBD)
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Organizational LOS Template (due 3/28) | Individual Email Template (due 3/28)
Patrocinador (es): Prosper California Coalition
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: On Suspense File
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Committee on Rev & Taxes (due 4/21)
Patrocinador (es): Prosper California Coalition
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: On Suspense File
Texto de factura | Hoja de hechos | Template LOS for Committee on Rev & Taxes (due 4/21)
Patrocinador (es): Western Center on Law and Poverty, GRACE & End Child Poverty CA, National Council of Jewish Women/Los Angeles
Posición: Apoyo
Estado: Referred to Assembly Committee on Human Services (hearing 3/25)
Texto de factura | Factsheet (coming soon!) | Template LOS for Committee on Human Services (due 3/18)
*This page was last updated on March 21, 2025