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Ha brotado la primavera y también las ofrendas de la granja a la familia

abril 23, 2018

A quick Farm to Family offerings update.

Spring is here and with it are the first loads of corn out of the Imperial Valley. Yum!

Members will also be able to order a new crop of California onions from the Imperial Valley and Bakersfield areas in the next few weeks.

It may be spring, but the Farm to Family team is getting a jump start on the 2018 holiday season. It’s not too early to get your chicken orders submitted. There is also a new turkey supplier among CAFB’s protein offerings. Granjas de Zacky poultry is produced and packed in California and CAFB couldn’t be happier to be working with them.

If you haven’t already done so, contact Roop Soorma to place a poultry order. 

If you have questions about any of the above offerings, please join the Farm to Family conference call to learn more.

(Foto por Catherine Sumner/ Flickr Creative Commons)

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