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Share Your SNAP New Year’s Resolution with Us

enero 2, 2018

In response to current federal proposals from the administration and Congress, including the recently passed tax bill, CAFB is launching a New Year’s Resolution Campaign to recommit to protecting SNAP. During January, we’re asking advocates, food banks and elected officials to join us and share their SNAP New Year’s Resolution for 2018.

This is a great opportunity to approach stakeholders like your mayor, city council member, and your member of Congress. We also encourage you to create a resolution making table (much like the paper plate campaign) in your volunteer room or at a food distribution where people can write down a resolution and take a picture for you to post on your food bank’s social media accounts.

Need inspiration to create a resolution? It only takes looking back at 2017 to see the great work that was accomplished. At the federal level, CAFB members advocated to protect and strengthen SNAP against several federal threats, organizing over a dozen activities with California members of Congress during August recess, testifying at Farm Bill listening sessions hosted by the House Agriculture Committee and educating communities, stakeholders, and elected officials about the value of SNAP in California.

Want to participate?

haga clic aquí to check out our suite of materials and share your own SNAP New Year’s Resolution with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Have questions or want to get more involved? Please contact Rachel Tucker for policy advice or help setting up an event with your elected official and Daniela Ogden for communications support.

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  • Este campo tiene fines de validación y no debe modificarse.
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