EBT pandémico en California: lecciones y oportunidades para acabar con el hambre infantil
marzo 31, 2021
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One of the most dire consequences of the pandemic was that it exacerbated an already high rate of food insecurity. Prior to the pandemic, 15.2% of households with children in California were experiencing food insecurity, with one in five children in California living in poverty. And, during the early months of the pandemic, food insecurity doubled, with 30% of households with children in California experiencing food insecurity.
Through a combination of a survey (available in English, Spanish, and Chinese) that received more than 1,400 responses, and interviews with Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) recipients and key stakeholders, I examined the critical role that P-EBT played for California families. The report includes findings about how P-EBT helped to keep children nourished amidst the COVID-19 health, economic, and hunger crisis of 2020, and lessons learned to guide policy recommendations for future iterations of P-EBT and other anti-hunger programs.
“I could focus on paying other bills without having to worry about also having to pay for food. CA P-EBT was that helping hand we needed to help us stretch out our food budget.”
– P-EBT recipient
Key findings included:
My research documents the tremendous impact of P-EBT through the eyes of P-EBT recipients and their families. It is important to note however that P-EBT was a temporary bandage for the inequities exacerbated by the pandemic; these inequities will continue to exist if we do not move forward. Let’s take the lessons learned from the design of P-EBT and the pandemic to update existing food programs and policies that meet families where they are.