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Damos inicio a la serie de conferencias Food ACCESS con una conversación poderosa y conmovedora

marzo 28, 2025

Last Tuesday, we hosted the inaugural event of the Food ACCESS Speaker Series, Exploring the Underlying Causes of Hunger.

In this virtual event, we discussed the cascading challenges for people experiencing food insecurity and how hunger and poverty have been perpetuated. We unearthed some of the systemic barriers that prevent food security and economic mobility and the good work that’s being done to address these issues.

The first hour of the event was a panel discussion moderated by Regi Young, the Executive Director of the Alameda County Community Food Bank, followed by a 15-minute Q&A hosted by CAFB’s Lauren Lathan Reid and joined by PG&E’s Community Relations Principal Judy de Freitas.

The panel discussion included:

Eric McDonnell, Principal at Peacock Partnerships 

Teri Olle, Director of Economic Security Project

The California Association of Food Banks launched the Serie de conferencias sobre acceso a alimentos, presented by PG&E, as a forum for thought-provoking conversation and dynamic ideas. This biennial series of quarterly events builds on the biennial Food ACCESS conference, bringing insight and information to your screen. The series will delve into the root causes of hunger, grapple with ways to increase equitable access to food, and discuss actionable steps towards achieving a hunger-free California.

Watch the Q&A here:

We hope to see you at the next event, The State of Hunger in California, on June 3.

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