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La sesión de escucha de la ley agrícola llega a casa para los defensores del hambre

agosto 7, 2017

Five members of the House Agricultural Committee, including chair Mike Conway (R-Texas), heard testimony from California Association of Food Banks members and partners at Modesto Junior College on Saturday as part of the national Farm Bill listening tour. Food bankers told personal stories about the importance of SNAP and other nutrition programs supported in the Farm Bill.

Chair of the CAFB board, Community Food Bank CEO Andy Souza, spoke on behalf of our 41 members, “We can’t possibly make up at the food bank what’s going to be lost with any cuts to SNAP.” 

The next stop on the listening tour is Salinas on August 10, and CAFB will once again provide testimony in support of SNAP.

More social media highlights from the day are below:

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