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Felicitaciones a la clase del Salón de la Fama de Defensa 2017

enero 12, 2018

Congratulations are in order for four California Association of Food Banks members. Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano, Second Harvest Community Food Bank of Orange County, Second Harvest Food Bank of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, and Alameda County Community Food Bank received a place in Feeding America’s Advocacy Hall of Fame.

The four food banks who qualified for 2017 Advocacy Hall of Fame are examples of the power and potential that the Feeding America national network has to influence public policy and end hunger in America. These four food banks proved that with a dedicated, graceful and talented staff food banks can grow a grassroots movement, activate grasstops leaders and engage elected officials at the highest levels of citizen advocacy. These four food banks have increased the power of our movement to end hunger in America, and the national network looks forward to utilizing their skills and experience in the future as they continue to contribute to our growing movement,” said, Robb Friedlander, Advocacy Associate with Feeding America.

Elected officials hold a high opinion of food banks and these relationships can have an enormous impact on setting public policy. While wading into advocacy waters may feel daunting at first, the payoff is worth it.

As Carly Finkle, advocacy manager for Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano puts it, “As food banks, we are trusted partners of both our clients and our elected officials. We have the power and responsibility to connect these partners to ensure that our clients’ experiences and perspectives inform the anti-hunger policy decisions that will directly impact their lives.”

(Photo by Morag Riddell/Flickr Creative Commons)

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