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CAFB’s 2016 in Numbers

diciembre 30, 2016

To say 2016 was a productive year for CAFB would be an understatement. We accomplished a lot both through our programs and our advocacy to advance our mission of ending hunger in California. Here’s a quick look back:

Owner/operator truck drivers added who work exclusively for Farm to Family, a first for the program. These drivers are growing Farm to Family’s reach and ensuring that transportation isn’t an issue when trying to get food where it is needed the most. 

CAFB member food banks who received disaster preparedness training, the first training of several to be held throughout the state that will give food banks the tools to continue providing services during an emergency.

The improved state tax credit for farm donations to food banks up from the previous 10% credit of a crop’s inventoried value, which was unworkable for most farmers. 

Office visits made by advocates during CAFB’s annual advocacy day at the state Capitol. (Photo by Ken Lund/Flickr Creative Commons)

Different types of produce shipped to food banks by Farm to Family.

Incredible advocates who gathered from Humboldt to San Diego at the state Capitol for Hunger Action Day, making it the largest event in years. (Photo by St. Mary’s Center)

Households who avoided losing CalFresh entitlements due to churn because of the incredible work of the CalFresh Outreach network.  (Foto de USDA)

Secured by CAFB and its partners in the state budget for the CalFood program, formerly known as the State Emergency Food Assistance Program. The program gives financial support to food banks that purchase only California grown foods.

Pounds of protein and pantry items shipped by Farm to Family. Protein is a new offering of Farm to Family and includes holiday turkeys, cheese, rice, beans, and more. (Photo by Brittany Randolph/Flickr Creative Commons)

Pounds of produce shipped to food banks by Farm to Family — the largest poundage in the history of the program. (Foto por Miika Silfverberg/Flickr Creative Commons)

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