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CAFB Response to Charlottesville

agosto 17, 2017

You have no doubt by now heard or watched coverage of this weekend’s events in Charlottesville. CAFB’s vision is for a well-nourished and hunger-free California, where all people have enough food to lead a healthy life.  Part of having a healthy life is to feel safe and free from assaults on human dignity and human rights. The diversity of the human experience is what strengthens every social movement and the anti-hunger movement is no different. Our movement is fortified by the experiences, cultures and perspectives that come from continually striving to be an intentionally inclusive environment.

California Association of Food Banks unequivocally condemns racism, white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and any other disrespect for and attack on equality for all people. One of CAFB’s roles is to advocate for those whose voices may not be heard.  Today and every day we speak to lift up those who are marginalized in our society, and we stand with our members and the communities they serve.  

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