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A Little Trivia for CalFresh Awareness Month

mayo 18, 2017

How much do you know about student eligibility, lost economic activity, and using CalFresh at farmers markets? CAFB Programs Manager Edith Martinez came up with a bit of trivia in honor of CalFresh Awareness Month. Keep reading to see how you score.


CalFresh Trivia


  1. True or False: Students might be eligible for CalFresh.
  1. How much money is California losing out on in economic activity due to our low participation rate?
    1. $ 4.5 billion
    2. $3.3 billion
    3. $59 million
    4. $29 million
  1. True or False: CalFresh can be used at farmers’ markets throughout the state and some even have offer additional funds to buy more fresh produce.
  1. What percentage of CalFresh participants in California are families with children?
    1. 25%
    2. 48%
    3. 63%
    4. 74%
  1. What is your county’s CalFresh participation rate?

Learn more about CalFresh outreach workers and the stories they encounter from Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo County


Ready to improve CalFresh participation? Take the CalFresh Excellence Pledge today!


CalFresh Trivia Answers:


Lourdes Cordova, Outreach Coordinator with Community Food Bank of San Benito County

  1. True!  Have you seen the latest All County Letter on student eligibility? It lists various programs that might help a student qualify for CalFresh. 
  1. A. The Dólares perdidos, platos vacíos report estimates that if we reached 100% participation, we would receive about $2.5 billion more in CalFresh benefits each year, these benefits would then generate about $4.5 billion in economic activity.
  1. True! Market Match provides additional currency to those using CalFresh benefits to purchase more fresh produce at participating markets. Find farmers’ markets accepting CalFresh and offering Market Match aquí.
  1. D. Actually, more than 74% of CalFresh participants are in families with children.
  1. Find out here: Measuring CalFresh Utilization by County (2014)

Image: Lourdes Cordova, Outreach Coordinator with Community Food Bank of San Benito County


Written by Edith Martinez, Programs Manager

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