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Joyce Zhang

Joyce Zhang, LFPA Coordinator

Joyce Zhang joined CAFB in October 2023. As LFPA Coordinator, she works to administer California’s LFPA program under the collaborative agency effort of “Farms Together.” Joyce helps 34 member food banks coordinate and manage their LFPA allocations as well as partners them directly with local, regional food producers with a focus on socially disadvantaged farmers/ranchers. Her background is in produce buying, and prior to that, she worked on small farms around the Bay Area. 

Joyce graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Genetics and Plant Biology to work in research but quickly realized she wanted to work with plants more physically, not so much microscopically.

Joyce has worked in a few bakeries and still loves to bake at home during her free time.

Her favorite food? She loves every kind of food! Anything fermented, spicy, sweet, spiced, and/or flavorful!

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