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Courtney Scullin-Taylor

Courtney Scullin-Taylor, Accounting Manager

Courtney joined CAFB in 2018 and has been working with our finance team ever since. They grew up all along the west coast, from Monterey to Seattle. Courtney started their finance career as an accountant for a volunteer-run bike shop in San Francisco. They’ve worked as a bike mechanic, chef, bartender, security guard, events coordinator and landscaper.

Courtney once organized a 4-day, 400-person conference of community bike shops across the US, Canada & Mexico. They coordinated food donations from 30 local farms, a bakery, brewery & coffee shop for the event, and the food program got a standing ovation. Also, they once biked from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Lima, Peru.

Their favorite food? As a Gemini, they don’t pick favorites.

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