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Register to Vote

You can register to vote or update your voter registration through the Secretary of State’s website. 

Register here y use this social media toolkit to encourage others to register. 

Find your California Representative

Your voice matters. Find out who your State Senate, State Assembly, and U.S. Congressmember are, and let them know what topics are important to you. Go here!

California Organizations & Coalitions

California Hunger Action Coalition

California’s premier anti-hunger coalition unites the foremost statewide and regional anti-hunger groups. CHAC believes access to adequate, nutritious, and safe food is a fundamental human right. *This organization collects membership dues. Please email Frank Tamborello to become an official member.

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California for SSI Coalition

This coalition sees the suffering Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients face daily and seeks to ensure they receive adequate support to live their lives in dignity through legislative advocacy. Anyone in California is welcome to join this coalition by emailing Gabby Davidson

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Centro Occidental de Derecho y Pobreza

A major organization advocating to improve our state and federal safety net programs and an excellent source for legislative and policy information. 

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Nutre California

A leading organization pressing for greater food access and nutritious options for low-income Californians and conducts valuable research that supports policy change. 

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End Child Poverty in California

GRACE/ECPCA advocates to make a positive difference in the lives of low-income families and their children through value-based collaborations and by formulating, implementing, and expanding measures to reduce barriers to full personal development and economic stability.

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California Budget & Policy Center

A research and analysis nonprofit advancing public policies that expand opportunities and promote well-being for all Californians. They have a variety of research, stories, and other resources on hunger and poverty.

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National Organizations

Alimentando a América

The largest food bank membership organization, Feeding America, hosts a variety of research, stories, and other resources on hunger and its impact across America. 

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Center on Budget Policy & Priorities

CBPP works across many public programs and budget issues that affect low-income Americans and is a crucial resource for research, analysis, and tools on food assistance. 

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The Food Research & Action Center

FRAC is an essential resource for national data sets on hunger and poverty and information about important federal policies like the Farm Bill (which impacts CalFresh, our first line of defense against hunger) and the Child Nutrition Act (which impacts School & Summer Meals)

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