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Farm to Family Donor Interviews

Our partners in California agriculture are the backbone of the Farm to Family program. We strive to make participation an easy experience that farmers can feel good about. Learn more about Farm to Family in the donor testimonials and news coverage below.

Watch Farm to Family featured on the Growing California video series by California Department of Food and Agriculture.

The New York Times reported on the burgeoning Farm to Family program back in 2009. Read their thorough feature, California’s Food Banks Go Locavore.

Western Farm Press, a newspaper dedicated to important information for California farmers, shared a profile on HMC Farms, a longtime supporter of Farm to Family. Read it here: California Stone Fruit Growers Donate to Feed Needy.


“We’re fortunate to grow food and a lot of it. But there are people in our community struggling to find enough for their families to eat. We participate in Farm to Family because it’s the right thing to do.” – Jon and Harold McClarty, HMC Farms


The Fresno Bee reports on the 150 million pound milestone for produce donations to Farm to Family. Read State Farmers Encouraged to Donate to Food Bank for all the details.

California Secretary of Food and Agriculture Karen Ross held a press conference in December 2015 to celebrate Farm to Food Bank Month and called on donations from farmers throughout the state. Ag Alert, a publication of the California Farm Bureau Federation, covered the event in their newspaper. Read it here (subscription required).

Longtime Farm to Family supporter Jack Vessey, a vegetable grower in Imperial County, discussed how Farm to Family positively impacts his business in a story that appeared in the Imperial Valley Press (subscription required).


“I was raised by a father who felt it was important to give back to the community and to be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day knowing that you did something good. Farm to Family does that for me. The fact that the program can cover some of the harvest costs makes it an even easier choice.” – Jack Vessey, Vessey & Company


Listen up, farmers – Ag Net West Radio Network featured a variety of Farm to Family stories on their national program. Read the online article and listen here.



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