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California Food Banks Speak Out about the Importance of SNAP and the Farm Bill

junio 1, 2018

California Association of Food Banks and its members took advantage of the Memorial Day Recess to speak to local and federal lawmakers about the importance of protecting SNAP in the Farm Bill. In Los Angeles, President and CEO of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Michael Flood testified in front of the Los Angeles City Council about the importance of the SNAP program for those struggling with hunger in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution to oppose any Farm Bill that cuts SNAP by a vote of 15 – 0 on May 29.

Los Angeles City Councilman David E. Ryu, 4th District also testified, “At this crucial time in our city, we don’t need Angelenos deciding between paying rent or paying for groceries. We don’t need parents deciding between medicine in the cabinet or dinner on the table.”

Up north, CAFB and other Bay Area advocates including St. Anthony Foundation, Alameda County Community Food Bank and the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties met with staff in Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco district office. The group pushed the Senator to lift up California’s nutrition and agricultural priorities as she and her colleagues write their Farm Bill in the coming weeks. 

CAFB is grateful to local, state and federal lawmakers who’ve shown tremendous leadership in advocating for a Farm Bill that protects those struggling with hunger and poverty.  

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