No ofrecemos comida. Aquí es donde puedes Encuentre comida gratis aquí.
No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.

febrero 11, 2022

febrero 11, 2022

This post was co-written by Food Share of Ventura County and the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County. The funds will […]

febrero 11, 2022

  Frequently Asked Questions: Is the venue for Food ACCESS changing? No, the 2022 Conference October 3-4th will be held […]

enero 11, 2022

Governor Newsom’s budget blueprint proposes over 1 billion dollars for realizing the vision for School Meals for All, broadening access to food benefits for older adults regardless of immigration status, and expanding the impact of critical anti-poverty programs like CalWORKS and the Young Child Tax Credit. These and other proposals are a promising and significant step toward a hunger-free California for all.

enero 10, 2022

Module 1 – Food Sources Module 2 – Staff & Volunteers Module 3 – Fund Development Module 4 – Board […]

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