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Alimente a quienes lo necesitan cuando pida suministros de oficina

abril 4, 2017

Maxine Hall, CAFB Office ManagerMaking sure the work group has enough folders, pens, and toner? Why not make a portion of your office supply purchases help feed the hungry?

California Association of Food Banks is one of the non-profit organizations in Give Something Back’s “Gather to Give” program. Customers have the opportunity to vote for five organizations; those with the most votes receive funding to help aid in their mission. Our mission at CAFB is to end hunger in California—a goal we work toward via our Farm to Family team coordinating delivery of produce and protein to food banks, advocacy to protect nutrition safety net programs, CalFresh (food stamp) outreach and assistance, and member services.

If you are a Give Something Back customer, please consider voting for California Association of Food Banks, along with our member food banks who are participating: Alameda County Community Food Bank, Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, and Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo.

Together, we can end hunger.

Vote aquí. Polls close May 5.


Photo of Maxine Hall, CAFB Office Manager


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