We do not offer food. Here’s where you can find food.
No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.
How do I know if I qualify?
There are special rules for households with a member who has a disability or is 60 and older. The rules are complex but help more people qualify for the program. If you can answer YES to both questions below, your household may be eligible for at least $15 in CalFresh each month.
Q1: |
Does your household have a member who has a disability or is at least 60? |
Q2: |
Is your monthly income less than the amount allowed? Use this chart to see if your household’s monthly income before taxes and other deductions falls under the amount allowed for your household size.
Please note:
It is very likely that your household may qualify for more than you would expect. Be sure to report your out-of-pocket medical and housing costs when you apply.
Even if you answered NO to the second question, your household may still qualify for CalFresh if you have less than $3,250 in assets and resources.
Examples of resources and assets:
The following items are NOT counted as resources*:
*Additional exceptions may apply to people who are self-employed or victims of domestic violence.
You can own your car, home, and retirement plan and still qualify for CalFresh.