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Public Charge Rule Will Worsen Hunger & Poverty in America

August 14, 2019

Today, the Trump Administration published its final “public charge” rule that will increase hunger and poverty by penalizing California’s immigrant families for accessing essential nutrition, healthcare, and housing assistance.

The rule is scheduled to take effect October 15, 2019 unless Congress or the courts stop this harmful proposal that will force immigrant families to choose between food, family, and paying rent.

This new rule not only threatens the health and wellbeing of our communities, but the moral fabric of our country by placing value on a person’s pocketbook rather than their potential to benefit our society. We are steadfast in our belief that food is a fundamental human right and that all Californians deserve the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to our communities. We will work tirelessly to combat this latest attack on our immigrant communities and any attack that worsens hunger and poverty in our country.

As food banks, we stand on the frontlines witnessing and responding to the impact of hunger and we categorically condemn this cruel rule.

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