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Food Banks Head to the Hill to Advocate on SNAP and the Farm Bill

September 18, 2018

Last week, the California Association of Food Banks joined Feeding America and food banks from across the country to storm Capitol Hill for a Farm Bill Conference fly-in. CAFB met with nearly a dozen of our congressional leaders and Senators to advocate for a strong Farm Bill that protects SNAP, strengthens TEFAP and supports those in our communities that are struggling with hunger.

House and Senate committee leaders are still locked in negotiations as they work to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. The House and Senate Farm Bills propose two radically different approaches to SNAP, with the House bill proposing roughly $20 billion in sweeping cuts to SNAP, while the bi-partisan Senate bill largely maintains current SNAP law.

While the prospect of House and Senate leaders reaching an agreement on a Farm Bill by the September 30th deadline remains uncertain, we continue to urge Congress to pass a Farm Bill that protects and strengthens SNAP and ensures that those who are struggling with hunger both here in California and across the country can afford food and make ends meet.

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