We do not offer food. Here’s where you can find food.
No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.

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The Digest is a monthly newsletter packed with the latest news information for food banks, community-based organizations, and mission-aligned advocates. Subscribe to for exclusive access to impactful news, essential tools, invaluable resources, and can’t-miss events. Together, we have the power to create lasting change and make hunger a thing of the past.

Subscription Benefits

An annual subscription of $165 gives you exclusive access to in-depth insights, special reports, and updates on California’s fight against hunger.

Monthly CAFB Digest Newsletter
Receive monthly updates, success stories, resources, job opportunities, and actionable insights on hunger relief efforts across California. Preview The Digest.

Advocacy Toolkits
Spread awareness and help advocate for stronger food security policies and programs.

Discounted Registration to Food ACCESS 2026
Our biennial anti-hunger conference brings together individuals from around the state and country to address the hunger epidemic in California. Discounted admission for one to the 2026 event. More info here.

Free Registration to Food ACCESS Speakers Series
Engage with thought leaders and innovators in hunger relief through exclusive quarterly, virtual speaker sessions. Free for the entire team. More info here.

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Informing & growing the collective effort to end hunger California.

CAFB Member Food Banks

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Contact us at subscribers@cafoodbanks.org, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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