We do not offer food. Here’s where you can find food.
No distribuimos alimentos. Encuentre comida gratis aquí.


Together, we can end hunger in California.

Support Us

We are the “safety net for the safety net.” 

Each year, we ship more than 160 million pounds of fresh produce and other foods packed with vital nutrients to food banks. In the pandemic, we kept food banks supplied with food, with shipments going out every week totaling 200 million pounds. That’s about 167 million meals. 

Working hard to change the systems that create hunger 

Our work is aimed at long-term, lasting change. We collaborate with our partners to solve persistent problems and address longstanding inequities. 

Your tax-deductible donation to California Association of Food Banks reaches millions today and ensures a healthier future, in which people have the food they need to lead a healthy life. 

Donate Now

Support Your Local Food Bank

Food banks provide about five meals for every dollar donated. Food banks are a crucial lifeline in our communities, supplying food to meal distribution centers throughout communities, offering direct grocery distributions, and so much more. Food banks make it possible for people to get nourishing, healthy foods in a community of generosity, dignity, and respect.

Find A Food Bank

As food banks respond to the unprecedented need for food throughout our communities, we’re asking our agriculture communities for food donations. Our Farm to Family program is well equipped to quickly and easily get your products to food banks throughout the state. We’ll handle the logistics, transportation, and paperwork.

Why it matters:

Donate Food Products

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