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CAFBer recognized for CalFresh advocacy

January 3, 2017

We’re pleased to announce that our very own Sarah Palmer DeFrank has been nominated for a California Food Policy Associates Freshy Award! Voting is open to the public and you can vote for her by clicking here.

Each year, California Food Policy Associates awards a Freshy Award to people from across the state that have worked diligently to improve CalFresh. It is a true honor for CAFB that Sarah has been selected in recognition for her work leading the County Advocates Program.

In just over a year, Sarah has grown the County Advocates Program from an idea to support the Alliance to Transform CalFresh into nearly 20 coalitions driving CalFresh program improvements at the local level. Her work is also a wonderful example of inter-departmental collaboration, working in close partnership with Stephanie Nishio and many CalFresh Outreach workers as invaluable eyes and ears on the ground to inform county advocacy priorities. 

Voting closes on Wednesday, January 18.

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