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California Association of Food Banks Statement on Passage of Senate Farm Bill from Sue Sigler, Executive Director

June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018

Press Contact: Daniela Ogden (510) 350-9919

Oakland – “Today, the U.S. Senate passed its version of the 2018 Farm Bill, which presents an opportunity to strengthen the national commitment to reducing hunger in the United States. California Association of Food Banks applauds California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris for supporting a bipartisan Farm Bill that safeguards the nation’s most successful anti-hunger program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

“California food banks see firsthand the hard choices working families, seniors, and veterans face when they are suffering from lack of food. 19 out of 20 meals are provided by federal nutrition programs like SNAP. It is daunting to imagine what struggling people would do in our state without this lifeline. Many are already making difficult decisions between housing, food, and medicine.

“The Senate bill stands in stark contrast to the House measure (H.R. 2), which would devastate Americans facing hunger and leave our food banks unable to fill the gap. As the Farm Bill reauthorization continues to the Conference Committee process, California Association of Food Banks urges leaders in both chambers to recognize that S. 3024 is the only path for final, bipartisan legislation that protects our farmers and strengthens vital nutrition programs for all members of our community.”

About California Association of Food Banks

California Association of Food Banks partners with 41 food banks and over 6,000 local agencies. Our mission is to end hunger in California, and our vision is a well-nourished and hunger-free California, where all people have enough food to lead a healthy life. Learn more at www.cafoodbanks.org.

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