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Getting to Know CAFB’s New Director of Communications

November 29, 2018

California Association of Food Banks is excited to welcome Lauren Reid our new Director of Communications to the team. We put Lauren in the hot seat and asked her a whole slew of questions. 

Q: Tell me about your life.
A: I’m a Bay Area native who hasn’t strayed too far from home (for the most part). Professionally, I have spent most of my career working in cause communications and issue advocacy. When I’m not working, I’m often found walking the shores of Oakland’s Lake Merritt, debating with my nephew about who’s taller, or listening to 99% Invisible.

Two of my all-time favorite life experiences (to date) were going to culinary school in Italy for a brief stint, then returning eight years later to work on a farm for a couple of weeks. I became an expert in the art of weed pulling and novice beekeeper.

Q: How did you get into communications?
A: In college, at the University of Miami, I studied both photojournalism and creative nonfiction writing. I wanted to be a photographer but come graduation, journalism was on a serious downturn — papers and publications were closing daily. So, instead, I took an internship in the ACLU’s communications department where I could use my skills to advocate for issues I cared about. Ever since, I have been hooked on cause communications.

Q: What’s a surprising skill of yours?
A: I’m quite adept at applying eyeliner.

Q: Which skill or talent would you most like to have?
A: Unrelenting self-confidence.

Q: Tell us something you’ve done but never thought you would.
A: Help launch a venture capital fund.

Q: What are you most passionate about?
A: Creating an equitable world where every person is safe, nourished, and given the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Also, the Miami Hurricanes.

Q: What’s your perfect meal?
A: My mom’s spaghetti (gluten-free) on a cold night.

Q: What’s your favorite dish / meal to cook?
A: Not a dish, but I love cooking Indian food. I find curries especially fun and satisfying to make since they usually call for so many different ingredients but are actually quite easy.

Q: Who are your heroes in real life?
A: Maya Angelou, Dolores Huerta, and Mother Jones

Q: What is your motto?
A: You do you. But be nice.

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